International Film Festival Rotterdam
Tarde para morir joven, regie: Dominga Sotomayor (Chili/Brazilië/Argentinië/Quatar/Nederland, 2019)
Juryleden: Sacha Gertsik (voorzitter), Omar Larabi, Jim Pedd, Jasper Tonnon, Alexander Zwart.
Juryrapport: First of all, we want to say a heartfelt thank you. To all of the films that we got to see. That challenged us, entertained us, puzzled and exhilarated us. And we would like to award the modest honor of the prize from the Dutch Film critics to a film that is also modest but at the same time incredibly broad in its recognizability: a story that is set almost twenty years ago, but is just as poignant today. Under the steady and impressive direction the leading role is played by an incredible talent, in this sensory coming-of-age film. Like Mazzy Starsang, we faded into Tarde para morir joven and wanted to stay in this moment with actress Demian Hernández forever. Congratulations, Dominga Sotomayor.